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HDR1000 Repeatedly Going Into Standby

(62 posts)
  1. Barry


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    human - 6 minutes ago  » 
    Some people here ASSUME too much!
    Who said that I have had no interaction or input for 3 or 4 hours?
    To the contrary. Changing channels, watching and subsequently deleting a recorded programme all within this period is exactly what I have been doing. The machine cuts out and goes to sby suddenly. Don't tell me I'm supposed to live with that. I paid £230 for this and I want to get what I thought I paid for. Some people here have a weird attitude. I accept if I don't touch a device for a prolonged period that it should turn off. This is NOT the case here!

    In which case you are suffering from a problem introduced with the last update, nothing to do with the power saving features.

    You will just have to be patient along with a lot of other owners and wait for Humax to get to the bottom of the problem, or return the unit for a refund.

    | Sat 20 Jun 2015 22:11:27 #21 |
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    [What is the problem with the unit turning itself off after 3 hours if no user interaction with it.A message is displayed screen to warn the user, and if the user so desires it can be disabled - though why a user would want to do this beats me]

    Same assumption reflex again, read my post above.

    | Sat 20 Jun 2015 22:17:16 #22 |
  3. Barry


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    No it is not, read my follow up!

    | Sat 20 Jun 2015 22:32:41 #23 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    human - 4 minutes ago  » 
    [What is the problem with the unit turning itself off after 3 hours if no user interaction with it.A message is displayed screen to warn the user, and if the user so desires it can be disabled - though why a user would want to do this beats me]
    Same assumption reflex again, read my post above.

    The box does not turn off after 3hrs if the appropriate menu option is selected. The current issue is unrelated, even with the option turned off the box can shut down within 45 minutes, whether or not you use the remote control. It's apparently random and sod all to do with your wild theories, and everything to do with the new software. If you actually read and understand the posts on this, users who have reverted to previous software report the issue goes away until the box auto updates to the latest software.

    All this rubbish about sby power and auto shut down is totally unrelated. If the box shuts down due to remote inactivity it does not in any way affect on-going recordings or future ones. It actually goes into a similar state as Sky boxes are in all the time, It wll go into deep sby when on-going activities like recording, recording deletions etc (they take a while to complete on a Linux Operating System).

    If you press the sby button while the box is recording, it does not affect any recordings you currently have or due within the next 15 minutes (provided you are using accurate recordings, the box wakes from full standby 15 minutes before a scheduled recording to watch for the broadcaster to signal the programme is about to start.

    Frankly you aren't really helping to resolve the issue at all.

    | Sat 20 Jun 2015 22:35:44 #24 |
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    No doubt whatsoever its the recent firmware update that's causing all the grief.

    Just amazed Humax in their reply to my e-mail yesterday said "the issue is only affecting a small number of users"

    Surely its affecting every single one of us with these boxes?

    As a temporary solution would it not be possible for the previous version to be made available until the new one has been thoroughly tested which it obviously can't have been in the first place?

    | Sat 20 Jun 2015 22:50:10 #25 |
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    Surely its affecting every single one of us with these boxes?

    Evidently not. Even among the relatively small number posting in this forum, some have reporting having no problems from the update. As Graham Thompson has commented, the fact that not everyone is affected in the same way is one of the reasons these bugs aren't easy to fix.

    Humax are in the best position to know what proportion of their userbase have reported adverse effects. I'm relieved to hear they're finding that only a small number are affected, though I sympathise with those whose boxes have been hit.

    It may turn out to be a further manifestation of the unresolved Showcase/OD-access problems. Something fundamentally not right in that area, it seems to me.

    | Sun 21 Jun 2015 7:11:20 #26 |
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    I see your point but I would imagine that only a relatively small proportion of all owners of these devices are aware of these and other forums. Also what about the issue regarding the lack of display icons - surely that must affect all boxes? Not to mention the problems with the third party wi-fi adapters (although that doesn't appear to be affecting all adapters).

    | Sun 21 Jun 2015 8:44:38 #27 |
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    I see your point but I would imagine that only a relatively small proportion of all owners of these devices are aware of these and other forums

    I agree. Most owners who suddenly found their box misbehaving in a seriously inconvenient manner, such as spontaneous rebooting, would probably contact Humax or the retailer. Whoever they contact, is going to be contacting Humax. Hence why Humax are likely to have the best available idea of numbers.

    The loss of display icons isn't in the same category as the rebooting, as it's purely cosmetic. As for the dongles, many, perhaps most, don't use wifi with the box, or use the Humax dongles. Only a small minority will be using unsupported dongles. Bad luck if they no longer work, but this is not a bug.

    | Sun 21 Jun 2015 9:23:23 #28 |
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    Has anyone tried a restore to factory settings to see if this resolves the power out reboot problem? I myself now has a box that is doing this. It started 45 mins after I did the update. I will reset mine and report back.

    | Sun 21 Jun 2015 10:43:15 #29 |
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    Good idea. However reading above the box will update again so it'll
    poss go back to its erratic Narcolepsy!

    | Sun 21 Jun 2015 10:46:59 #30 |

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