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IPlayer problem

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    Clearly iPlayer isn't going to work until Humax introduce introduce appropriate software updates. It's just a matter of being patient, but it would be helpful if there could be a little communication from Humax themselves (they didn't respond to my email). Can I just check if there are any other players that aren't currently working (BBC Sounds, Youtube, etc).

    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 17:12:28 #152 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Roy_A - 1 min ago  » 
    Clearly iPlayer isn't going to work until Humax introduce introduce appropriate software updates. It's just a matter of being patient, but it would be helpful if there could be a little communication from Humax themselves (they didn't respond to my email). Can I just check if there are any other players that aren't currently working (BBC Sounds, Youtube, etc).

    BBC sounds is not working either. Presumably from same issues.

    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 17:14:13 #153 |
  3. antient


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    BBC Sounds fails in exactly the same way, with the same error code of 02001.

    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 17:15:09 #154 |
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    Roy_A - 30 mins ago  » 
    Clearly iPlayer isn't going to work until Humax introduce introduce appropriate software updates. It's just a matter of being patient, but it would be helpful if there could be a little communication from Humax themselves (they didn't respond to my email). Can I just check if there are any other players that aren't currently working (BBC Sounds, Youtube, etc).

    Humax replied to an email from me this morning after I sent one to
    See post 142 above

    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 17:44:08 #155 |
  5. antient


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    I wonder what Humax mean when they say “very soon” and “shortly”. Are they thinking in terms of the life span of a mayfly, the three score and ten years of man, or perhaps geological time?

    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 17:48:05 #156 |
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    antient - 5 mins ago  » 
    I wonder what Human mean when they say “very soon” and “shortly”. Are they thinking in terms of the life span of a mayfly, the three score and ten years of man, or perhaps geological time?

    Try asking them.

    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 17:53:44 #157 |
  7. antient


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    A1944 - 4 mins ago  » 

    antient - 5 mins ago  » 
    I wonder what Human mean when they say “very soon” and “shortly”. Are they thinking in terms of the life span of a mayfly, the three score and ten years of man, or perhaps geological time?

    Try asking them.

    I was joking. Check the emoji!

    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 17:58:34 #158 |
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    antient - 10 mins ago  » 

    A1944 - 4 mins ago  » 

    antient - 5 mins ago  » 
    I wonder what Human mean when they say “very soon” and “shortly”. Are they thinking in terms of the life span of a mayfly, the three score and ten years of man, or perhaps geological time?

    Try asking them.

    I was joking. Check the emoji!

    Maybe, but it was a very good question.

    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 18:09:11 #159 |
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    Same problem here on HDR-1100S. E-mailed support twice. No response yet.


    | Tue 6 Oct 2020 18:32:39 #160 |
  10. antient


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    A1944 - 13 hours ago  » 

    antient - 5 mins ago  » 
    I wonder what Human mean when they say “very soon” and “shortly”. Are they thinking in terms of the life span of a mayfly, the three score and ten years of man, or perhaps geological time?

    Try asking them.

    I have just sent the following email to Humax. I tried to be factual and constructive:

    Since the problem of the iPlayer and BBC Sounds app loading but not being able to download programme content began to be noticed on Tuesday of last week (29th September) there has been little or no communication with the users affected. The iPlayer app on my FVP 5000T has been updated once or twice a day (except at the weekend!) ever since, but the fault has not been rectified as of the date and time of this email.

    There is an iPlayer status page at which is currently saying "Humax have assured us that they are working on resolving this issue as soon as possible". That page was last updated on Monday. There is a post on the My Humax forum quoting a reply to yourselves, where you are reported to have said:

    Thank you for contacting Humax, I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing with your Humax equipment.

    We are currently working with the BBC to get this resolved, it will be fixed very soon.

    I don't have a specific ETA for this unfortunately, we appreciate your patience on the matter, bear with us and it will be working shortly.

    Could you please clarify what is meant by "very soon" and "shortly"? I worked in the I.T. business from 1971 to 2010, and an outage of a public-facing service that lasted more than a few hours would have been treated as a major disaster. This current outage has been going on for over a week, and if nothing else customers are entitled expect some form of communication and explanation

    It is obvious to me that an untested change was made during Tuesday 29th, up to and including which date the iPlayer app had been working perfectly, because on Wednesday 30th it had stopped working.

    There is a support section on, where the software information for the FVP 5000 is hopelessly out-of-date. That would have been a good site on which to post something meaningful.

    When I purchased the box from Currys PC World in February of this year I was encouraged to register my purchase for a 2nd year of warranty cover. I did that, so you must have my email address; surely some form of message could have been sent out to registered owners.

    I await your reply, with hopefully some concrete information and a meaningful timeline for resolution.

    | Wed 7 Oct 2020 6:58:02 #161 |

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