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Netflix: Reason it’s not included-What we can do.

(22 posts)
  1. Shaunhoare


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    Hello all.

    I have noticed in multiple threads and multiple comments people have been talking about the lack of Netflix, so I have decided to talk directly to Humax. Then we will talk about what we can do at the bottom.

    Our conversation:
    Me: Is Netflix available on Aura?
    Humax: Sorry, Netflix isn’t available on Aura.
    Humax: No permission given from Netflix to use the App.
    Me: Thank you for your honesty. Netflix have to give permission? Will it potentially be available in the future?
    Humax: It could change depending on the popularity of the Aura.
    Humax: They have initially denied others in the past, then requested back onto a device.

    What this means:
    They are saying Netflix don’t want it’s app on the Aura and the only way it will be added is if the Aura becomes popular.

    What we can do about this:
    So, I feel this won’t be the most popular choice due to the price point. However, if we are very vocal, we will make it be perceived to be popular. In order to get Netflix we need to get on social media and message, tweet, email, etc at every Netflix and Humax thing we can.


    | Thu 24 Dec 2020 16:55:59 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Or organise a campaign of calling up Netflix eager to subscribe then reluctantly have to not go through with it as the service is not available on your preferred device, the Aura.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2020 18:13:30 #2 |
  3. Trev


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    That sounds like the better plan gomezz

    | Thu 24 Dec 2020 20:43:33 #3 |
  4. brian


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    Or even do nothing, and carry on watching Netflix on the device that you are currently using.

    | Fri 25 Dec 2020 12:10:08 #4 |
  5. Shaunhoare


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    brian - 1 hour ago  » 
    Or even do nothing, and carry on watching Netflix on the device that you are currently using.

    This box is supposed to do everything, though. Not everyone wants multiple devices hooked up to their TV.
    If you need a fire stick for Netflix, might as well buy a cheaper other brand for PVR and Firestick combo.

    | Fri 25 Dec 2020 14:09:11 #5 |
  6. Trev


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    No it's not. It's not supposed to Netflicks. If that is an essential, send it back not fit for purpose.

    | Fri 25 Dec 2020 18:07:15 #6 |
  7. Mars


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    Trev - 1 hour ago  » 
    No it's not. It's not supposed to Netflicks. If that is an essential, send it back not fit for purpose.

    According to the HumaxDirect website the Aura is "One Place for Everything you want to watch, play and do". It does not say everything except Netflix!

    | Fri 25 Dec 2020 19:40:15 #7 |
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    One thing I don't understand, I have a Chomecast (Gen 1) and it's running Cast Firmware 1.36.157768. With this, I am able to cast from the Netflix app on my mobile.

    On the Aura, the Cast Firmware is 1.50.228700. With this one, I can cast from other Apps on my mobile, but Netflix app doesn't show as an option.

    As I understand this version of cast firmware is specific to Android Tv, so I wonder if other products using this same cast firmware are also blocked by the netflix app?

    The only other option I have used successfuly with Netflix, is running Google Chrome web browser on Windows laptop, load up Netflix, and then cast from inside Google Chrome, and that worked ok direct to Humax Aura.

    If we can't convince Netflix to allow the app direction on the Aura (becasue of the Amazon Prime App), allowing the Mobile Netflix app to be able to Cast to the Aura should be the second request which I don't understand why they have blocked.

    Having searched the internet, there seems to be lots of people complaining that Netflix has been removed from Google TV at end of November, so may be this is a bigger thing between Netflix/Google and Humax are just stuck in the middle...

    | Sat 26 Dec 2020 21:17:09 #8 |
  9. Shaunhoare


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    MattB1 - 1 day ago  » 
    One thing I don't understand, I have a Chomecast (Gen 1) and it's running Cast Firmware 1.36.157768. With this, I am able to cast from the Netflix app on my mobile.
    On the Aura, the Cast Firmware is 1.50.228700. With this one, I can cast from other Apps on my mobile, but Netflix app doesn't show as an option.
    As I understand this version of cast firmware is specific to Android Tv, so I wonder if other products using this same cast firmware are also blocked by the netflix app?
    The only other option I have used successfuly with Netflix, is running Google Chrome web browser on Windows laptop, load up Netflix, and then cast from inside Google Chrome, and that worked ok direct to Humax Aura.
    If we can't convince Netflix to allow the app direction on the Aura (becasue of the Amazon Prime App), allowing the Mobile Netflix app to be able to Cast to the Aura should be the second request which I don't understand why they have blocked.
    Having searched the internet, there seems to be lots of people complaining that Netflix has been removed from Google TV at end of November, so may be this is a bigger thing between Netflix/Google and Humax are just stuck in the middle...

    Interesting regarding the google tv/Netflix thing.

    So, does anyone have a particular Netflix side load app of choice?

    | Mon 28 Dec 2020 8:26:19 #9 |
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    "Whether you want to catch up on your favourite shows, binge on the most talked-about box sets, or download recordings to watch on the go, the all-new Humax Aura UHD Recorder has you covered. With 4K HDR10 support, Dolby Audio and a quad-core processor, Aura takes performance to a whole new level "

    Advertising hyperbole at it's finest, unfortunately.
    Same as the tooth whitening toothpaste that " reverses up to 15 years of discolouration* "
    Or the bleach that kills 99% of all known germs.
    Etc etc etc.

    | Tue 29 Dec 2020 10:15:52 #10 |

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