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Picture but no sound on Humax HDR 2000T

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    Today I have switched from HDMI 1 to HDMI 2 and voilà sound has returned!! “Joy was unconfined”
    but my elation was only short lived however I’m afraid as later on in the day it’s back to square one !! No Sound.
    I have again tried to follow the update instructions ensuring correct file name, inserting Flash Drive with hdr2000t_upgrade.hdf. Then Power On Humax. Press down Channel Button, all that happens is a cycling through of all channels. This intermittent fault has continued for sometime. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the fault must be with the Humax and maybe it’s time to discard the recorder. Are there any other PVRs that are not stricken with this ailment?
    My thanks to everyone here who have provided me with guidance you have been very patient.

    | Fri 6 Sep 2019 21:26:38 #11 |
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    You need to press and hold the power button and channel down at the same time. Don't press power and then channel down.

    | Sat 7 Sep 2019 7:55:39 #12 |
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    Anoectangium - 14 hours ago  » 
    I have again tried to follow the update instructions ensuring correct file name,

    Currently the file downloaded from the Humax support does not need any renaming. What some people do who use Windows is rename not realising that Windows does not always display the full file name. If you did try to rename it then download a fresh copy and use the fresh copy instead.

    Anoectangium - 14 hours ago  » 
    inserting Flash Drive

    Presumably you have ensured that it is a FAT format? (The instructions state FAT32 but with my HDR-2000T FAT16 also works). If it is formatted NTFS then the update will NOT work.

    Anoectangium - 14 hours ago  » 
    Then Power On Humax.

    Was it powered off or just in standby?

    Anoectangium - 14 hours ago  » 
    Press down Channel Button

    Some people have attempted to use the Channel button on the remote. It needs to be the channel down button on the front of the HDR-2000T.

    Anoectangium - 14 hours ago  » 
    Then Power On Humax. Press down Channel Button

    The use of the channel button has to be done extremely quickly after starting to power it up. As SSThing said "press and hold the power button and channel down at the same time" instead.

    Anoectangium - 14 hours ago  » 
    Power On Humax. Press down Channel Button, all that happens is a cycling through of all channels.

    If you then see the Humax splash screen then that attempt has failed. Also if it goes straight to watch TV mode then that also means it failed, (and it would be due to you not having powering down).

    Within a few seconds of it recognising that you after a software update from your USB drive the Download progress will appear on your TV screen. If it doesn't appear and it starts to go through its normal initial startup routine then that attempt has failed and there is no point continuing to hold the channel down button for the next 40 seconds or so!

    Anoectangium - 14 hours ago  » 
    I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the fault must be with the Humax and maybe it’s time to discard the recorder. Are there any other PVRs that are not stricken with this ailment?

    Before you give up there is a second method to update the software. If you have a long enough ethernet cable connect the HDR-2000T to your router, and just continue to use the HDR-2000T as usual. It will offer to update within anything from 30 minutes to a couple of days.
    When it offers a software update then except it! I once clicked the 'Update Later' option and had to use the USB method six weeks later as it never re-offered.

    You can check which 'Software Version' is currently installed on the HDR-2000T by looking it up on the HDR-2000T menus by using MENU > Settings > System > System Information.

    | Sat 7 Sep 2019 12:25:59 #13 |
  4. GarryP


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    This might not be relevant, but have you recently switched to a different TV?
    I only ask as my old Sony TV has never accepted an HDMI feed from either of my HD devices (upscaling Panasonic DVD and Humax).
    It’s okay when I first plug them in but I always get one of the following after a seemingly-random amount of time:
    1. Screen goes bright green but audio is still audible;
    2. Video can be seen but the audio goes mute;
    3. Video and audio are there but there’s a message saying something along the lines of “The HDMI feed is incompatible with this display” which can’t be removed.
    (This isn’t a problem for me as I don’t need to watch anything in HD.)

    | Wed 11 Sep 2019 9:07:32 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    If you have used the same stick for a previous attempt. Do a quick format and copy the .hdf to the root of the stick again.

    Remove the box power for 5 mins (Easiest way may be to pull out the rear power connector)

    This ensures the box is 100% in sby. It can take a while after turning off the box to go into full sby if it is carrying out housekeeping operations)

    Push in the power connector and push the channel down button.

    If you look at the stick after you have flashed on a PC you will see the file names have changed.

    | Wed 11 Sep 2019 9:16:43 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    In the above after restoring the power the box will wake up for a short period and go back to sby. Wait till this has happens. If when you insert the usb stick it's led lights then the box wasn't fully in sby. If this happens you will have to start again, as above.

    | Wed 11 Sep 2019 12:51:10 #16 |
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    Thank you for all your replies. I am most grateful for your information. I have recently switched TV not considered this point before my older tv just gave up blank screen arrrrgh1 I am sorry to say that my problem still exists. I have attempted to install the update and precisely followed the instructions. Power Off, Download onto flash drive (formatted FAT32) and inserted into front socket Humax. Power On Continually tap down button “V” on Humax this just scrolls through the tv channels. The tv screen just shows large icons Music, Videos and an Install on right hand side of screen, selecting this icon nothing happens and there is no download progress shown. I wonder could there be some incompatibility between the Humax and Samsung TV? impossible to answer I would guess. I have had some days or relief Humax working as it should. I am afraid I cannot connect Humax, Ground floor to router which is upstairs. The Humax System information App Version UKTFAC 1.01.20, Loader version UKTFAC 1.04, Update 08 Jan 2018, Micom version 12.4. I wonder in desperation if there is another device worth considering?

    | Mon 23 Sep 2019 12:45:11 #17 |
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    Anoectangium - 14 mins ago  »  Power On Continually tap down button “V” on Humax this just scrolls through the tv channels.

    As previously already stated:
    The use of the channel button has to be done extremely quickly after starting to power it up. As SSThing said "press and hold the power button and channel down at the same time" instead.

    Anoectangium - 14 mins ago  » The tv screen just shows large icons Music, Videos and an Install on right hand side of screen, selecting this icon nothing happens and there is no download progress shown.

    From switching the power back on how quickly do you get to that state?
    I ask because that would mean that the software to run the HDR has loaded and you dont want that. What you want is the initial loader software to run.

    There are a number of ways the software update could be failing for you.
    Please see my earlier post where I have addressed a lot of them one at a time. It is a long post but each 'reply' concerns a different aspect where it could be going wrong. Just read it one reply at a time

    | Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:04:22 #18 |
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    Go to the Picture Set Up Menu of your TV and somewhere in there you will find HDMI Colour set up. On my PVR 9300 T I had no Sound when using the HDMI Input but no problems on the SCART Connection.
    In the TV Menu Picture Set up set UHD Colour on the HDMI Ports to OFF and save the settings, now the Sound from your Humax should work OK.

    | Tue 8 Oct 2019 9:26:47 #19 |
  10. Trev


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    @ Admin.
    Why is the title of this topic permanently bold in the list making it look like it is a new thread?

    | Thu 10 Oct 2019 14:49:38 #20 |

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