Trev - 17 mins ago »
@ Admin.
Why is the title of this topic permanently bold in the list making it look like it is a new thread?
Not here it isn't.
Well. That's weird then. It's always bold in the forum list for me (and the only one that's not actually a new post) regardless of it's position. It can be six down the list and still be bold. It's the only one that behaves like this.
W10, Chrome.
OK, it doesn't do it in FF, Edge or even IE.But why just this one thread? There must be something there for it to embolden. And you don't automagically go to the first unread post, but that's almost certainly because you have read them all several times.
RIPMAXRAPIER - 2 days ago »
Go to the Picture Set Up Menu of your TV and somewhere in there you will find HDMI Colour set up. On my PVR 9300 T I had no Sound when using the HDMI Input but no problems on the SCART Connection.
In the TV Menu Picture Set up set UHD Colour on the HDMI Ports to OFF and save the settings, now the Sound from your Humax should work OK.
At what point did the OP say he had a UHD TV ? If he had there are much more complex issues ( HDCP 2.0 ports on the TV and HDCP 1.4 on the box).
If the OP has in fact a UHD TV - Neet have come up with a solution that can bi-directional convert HDCP 1.4 to HDCP 2.0.
The OP appears to have ignored my advice re post #15 and #16.
This has worked for me on both the FVP and Freesat+ boxes, on numerous occasions.
If the LED access light on the usb drive lights on power up, the update will never work because the box is not 100% in sby (make sure the box is set to enable low power sby) . If it's not completely shut down in > 0.5W power. It just boots to normal and ignores the xxxx.hdf file. Only if the box is completely shut down will it find the update file.
Thanks for the advice to connect the HDR 2000T direct to my router by Ethernet to get the Software update.
Luckily I have an Ethernet cable to the TV directly (to give best possible connection for smart TV) so just swapped this over and downloaded. Solved the problem in minutes Sound restored.
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