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PVR-9150T Recording Schedule Issue

(68 posts)
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    Try these now

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:34:16 #21 |
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    And again

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:35:05 #22 |
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    The pics are only 217 kb but still wont upload !!

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:36:14 #23 |
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    I must admit I only checked the standby power option and volume. The box is still disconnected in case you wanted me to do anything whilst not connected?

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:39:53 #24 |
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    I'm happy to email you the pics direct if it will help?

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:40:33 #25 |
  6. Biggles


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    twofords - 17 minutes ago  » 
    I must admit I only checked the standby power option and volume. The box is still disconnected in case you wanted me to do anything whilst not connected?

    No, fire it up again. I assume this reset only happens overnight when the box is in standby? The only thing I know of that is 'possibly' active overnight is the auto software search. Just as a test to eliminate this feature try enabling the auto software search but change the search time to say mid evening when the box is normally ON. This will eliminate any 'rogue' search at the default time of 4:00am even if the search is disabled. I would do a Default Setting first simply to have a known starting point.

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 12:07:39 #26 |
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    twofeeds, please also delete one of the unwanted channels, after your manual default setting reset, so that you can see if it retunes.

    A couple of owners have deduced that the wiping occurs when it is switched on. One of their descriptions indicated that the wiping of setting involved it have a quick reboot and then they were watching a chanel i.e. the implication being there was no retune.
    I'll dig out the threads but when I can. I think one of them was on DS by DTEG.

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 12:21:30 #27 |
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    Thanks Luke. I did read a couple of those posts that you refered to the other day and one guy said that nothing changed after he had deleted a few channels.

    I did wonder of course about leaving the unit on at all times but it would be better of course to go into standby when not in use.
    I did try this out for half an hour the other evening but it was all ok when coming off standby.

    So we'll keep plugging away at this for a little longer although it's very frustrating having to keep pumping all your favourite programs back in every other day. Albeit we only do a few now which record in the early morning

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 12:48:40 #28 |
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    Yesterday carried out the following tests as per recommendations:
    Reset the unit and enabled the auto software update to 19:00hrs
    Created a couple of schedules for testing
    At approx. 23:50 put unit into standby mode
    At approx. 23:57 put unit back on as I wanted to delete a channel in order to test if a retune is done when it resets itself.
    Noticed that the volume was low, checked and it had already done a Default Settings or Reset!!
    So, by going into standby just before midnight the reset occurred and yet when I did this same move a couple of evenings ago to test around 18:45hrs, it was ok?

    So, at around 00:10 this morning I created 6 recording schedules that were going to happen before 09:00hrs.
    Enabled the auto software update to 19:00hrs
    Deleted a TV channel
    At 00:16 put unit into standby mode and went to bed.

    At 09:00 this morning 31st July checked recordings that were set up and they all worked. The TV channel that was deleted had not reappeared.

    Is this something to do with midnight timing - can't think of any other reason right now?

    | Fri 31 Jul 2015 11:23:36 #29 |
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    I created this Sat morning 1st Aug but didn't post on forum:

    So we put plan B into operation: Created a recording to fire up at 23:20 until 00:20 and put the unit into standby as usual.

    This morning ( Sat 1st Aug ) we had 2 green lights on the display panel, being standby and TV suggesting that the unit had not turned itself off after the 00:20 recording had finished.

    I hit the power on / off button to turn it off which it did. Turned it on again and the reset condition was evident. Everything had reset to default but the channel we deleted yesterday had not returned suggesting that a retune had not been done.

    Tonight we are going for Emergency Plan: Create a few programmes for recording schedule and leave the unit on as opposed to standby-off.

    Not a solution but if we run with this for a few days and we don’t lose the recording schedule then I guess that’s the answer.

    Will just need a solution then!!!

    Today Tues 4th Aug. We are leaving the unit on and nothing is upsetting the recording schedule as you would expect. Only if the unit is put into standby mode does it reset the unit!!

    | Tue 4 Aug 2015 11:41:04 #30 |

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