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Sky Arts

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    Reggles - 28 mins ago  » 
    As newbie to Humax Aura and this forum, can I just add that I have been experiencing the same problems regarding Sky Mix recordings repeatedly freezing during playback. I have not tried recording programmes from Sky Arts yet, so can not comment on problems with that channels. Interestingly, my problems with Sky Mix recordings only seems to occurs on recordings made after 9-00pm. Recordings made before this time have all been fine. Has anyone else experienced simllar time related issues.

    My post from last week.......................

    "Channels seem to be more affected in the evening than the afternoon and Tales of the Unexpected was not airing when Friday night dinner aired or U&Dave Battle in the Box both of which had severe issues for the last 2 weeks all airing at 9pm on a Friday,Tuesday and Wednesday."

    | Sun 18 Aug 2024 18:17:02 #31 |
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    My apologies. I didn’t pick up on the timing issues in your post. I must admit I have so far not had any problems with Sky Mix recordings done before 9-00pm.

    | Sun 18 Aug 2024 18:51:16 #32 |
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    trog - 14 hours ago  » 

    Reggles - 28 mins ago  » 
    As newbie to Humax Aura and this forum, can I just add that I have been experiencing the same problems regarding Sky Mix recordings repeatedly freezing during playback. I have not tried recording programmes from Sky Arts yet, so can not comment on problems with that channels. Interestingly, my problems with Sky Mix recordings only seems to occurs on recordings made after 9-00pm. Recordings made before this time have all been fine. Has anyone else experienced simllar time related issues.

    My post from last week.......................
    "Channels seem to be more affected in the evening than the afternoon and Tales of the Unexpected was not airing when Friday night dinner aired or U&Dave Battle in the Box both of which had severe issues for the last 2 weeks all airing at 9pm on a Friday,Tuesday and Wednesday."

    My experience seems to be the opposite of yours, it’s worse in the mornings and afternoons when Tales of the Unexpected is on Sky Arts, this program will freeze every 20 seconds. I do get some freezing in the evenings but nothing like as bad.

    | Mon 19 Aug 2024 8:26:43 #33 |
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    MikeW-uk - 2 hours ago  » 

    trog - 14 hours ago  » 

    Reggles - 28 mins ago  » 
    As newbie to Humax Aura and this forum, can I just add that I have been experiencing the same problems regarding Sky Mix recordings repeatedly freezing during playback. I have not tried recording programmes from Sky Arts yet, so can not comment on problems with that channels. Interestingly, my problems with Sky Mix recordings only seems to occurs on recordings made after 9-00pm. Recordings made before this time have all been fine. Has anyone else experienced simllar time related issues.

    My post from last week.......................
    "Channels seem to be more affected in the evening than the afternoon and Tales of the Unexpected was not airing when Friday night dinner aired or U&Dave Battle in the Box both of which had severe issues for the last 2 weeks all airing at 9pm on a Friday,Tuesday and Wednesday."

    My experience seems to be the opposite of yours, it’s worse in the mornings and afternoons when Tales of the Unexpected is on Sky Arts, this program will freeze every 20 seconds. I do get some freezing in the evenings but nothing like as bad.

    I never watch SkyArts in the day time and not so often at all so that may also be the case for me, the other affected channels I do frequently use and have found evenings to be worse and there seems to be some confirmation of that from Reggles.
    Out of curiosity I have turned to SkyArts and Discovering: Sean Penn is airing. 5mins and no freeze or black screen.20mins in and just had my first freeze, at the end of ad break just before Joy of painting started. Joy of painting has been freezing every few mins. I would suggest being in 4.3 format may be a factor but as the other stations affected are not that could just be e red herring.Anyway I cannot take any more of the audio vallium that is Joy of painting so test over.

    | Mon 19 Aug 2024 11:11:55 #34 |
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    trog - 1 hour ago  » 

    MikeW-uk - 2 hours ago  » 

    trog - 14 hours ago  » 

    Reggles - 28 mins ago  » 
    As newbie to Humax Aura and this forum, can I just add that I have been experiencing the same problems regarding Sky Mix recordings repeatedly freezing during playback. I have not tried recording programmes from Sky Arts yet, so can not comment on problems with that channels. Interestingly, my problems with Sky Mix recordings only seems to occurs on recordings made after 9-00pm. Recordings made before this time have all been fine. Has anyone else experienced simllar time related issues.

    My post from last week.......................
    "Channels seem to be more affected in the evening than the afternoon and Tales of the Unexpected was not airing when Friday night dinner aired or U&Dave Battle in the Box both of which had severe issues for the last 2 weeks all airing at 9pm on a Friday,Tuesday and Wednesday."

    My experience seems to be the opposite of yours, it’s worse in the mornings and afternoons when Tales of the Unexpected is on Sky Arts, this program will freeze every 20 seconds. I do get some freezing in the evenings but nothing like as bad.

    I never watch SkyArts in the day time and not so often at all so that may also be the case for me, the other affected channels I do frequently use and have found evenings to be worse and there seems to be some confirmation of that from Reggles.
    Out of curiosity I have turned to SkyArts and Discovering: Sean Penn is airing. 5mins and no freeze or black screen.20mins in and just had my first freeze, at the end of ad break just before Joy of painting started. Joy of painting has been freezing every few mins. I would suggest being in 4.3 format may be a factor but as the other stations affected are not that could just be e red herring.Anyway I cannot take any more of the audio vallium that is Joy of painting so test over.

    Yes, that seems to be my experience also. The ‘older’ 4:3 broadcasts seem to be worse(freezing every 30 seconds) but that’s not to say that some widescreen broadcasts also freeze. Tales of the Unexpected and Joy of Painting are bar far the worst. Just hope they can get a fix out ASAP, at least they are now acknowledging the fault exists.

    | Mon 19 Aug 2024 12:49:42 #35 |
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    Joy of Painting certainly becoming unwatchable. Can't blame it on Bob drying his 2" brushes!

    | Mon 19 Aug 2024 13:52:17 #36 |
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    I put SkyArts back on in the background whilst doing some chores for at least the last hour and did not notice a single freeze in that time.

    | Mon 19 Aug 2024 14:07:57 #37 |
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    I emailed Humax Customer Support this morning with experiences of the Sky Mix problem, and have just received the following reply from them.

    “Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    We are experiencing an elevated volume of contacts due to an issue with our Aura set-top boxes, where specific channels may temporarily experience intermittent disturbance in reception with freezing or picture blackout.

    Please be assured that our developer team is actively investigating the cause. Rest assured, we are working diligently to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

    There is no need for further action on your part at this time. We will provide updates and additional information as soon as a fix is available.

    Thank you for your patience. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.

    Best Regards,

    Humax Customer Support”

    I await further developments!

    | Mon 19 Aug 2024 15:59:55 #38 |
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    Thanks for contacting them Reggles, that is basically the same message they sent out for a previous issue a few months ago and that was eventually fixed with an update so we live in hope.

    | Mon 19 Aug 2024 16:22:49 #39 |
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    Had this arrive today.

    "I hope you’re doing well.
    First, I’d like to apologize for the delayed response. Edonis has been out of the office over the past few days.
    We’re aware of the issue you’ve been experiencing with blackouts on certain channels, and I want to let you know that our developers have already been working on a solution. It seems they’ve identified the root cause and have prepared a fix.
    If you’re comfortable sharing the serial number of your Aura device, we can forward it to our development team, and they’ll be able to apply the fix remotely.
    Please let us know if that works for you, and thank you for your patience and understanding as we resolve this."

    I have replied and asked if this is a Beta test as I am concerned after the issues the previous Beta testers suffered.

    | Wed 21 Aug 2024 10:00:36 #40 |

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