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picture breaking up

(125 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Mine is not faulty but does or has suffered from picture breakup from time to time. During the week or so the foil screen was in place there were zero issues. Running without the screen at the moment. If I do find some. I will put the screen under the HDR-1000S on the shelf above rather than on top of the actual box.

    Metered signal on all channels (SD or HD) shows 95% strength and 100% quality both are static and not varying in any way.

    | Fri 4 Jun 2021 8:09:08 #91 |
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    boogersa -

    I think the most important info in this thread is that there are faulty Auras out there.

    No, the most important thing is that you will never ever convince the fanboys that it's possible to have a defective unit (even when they have the same symptoms, but definitely not if they don't).

    | Fri 4 Jun 2021 8:19:46 #92 |
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    grahamlthompson - 17 mins ago  » 
    Mine is not faulty but does or has suffered from picture breakup from time to time. During the week or so the foil screen was in place there were zero issues. Running without the screen at the moment. If I do find some. I will put the screen under the HDR-1000S on the shelf above rather than on top of the actual box.
    Metered signal on all channels (SD or HD) shows 95% strength and 100% quality both are static and not varying in any way.

    Our issues are not related. You have some issues with HD channels, mine was with SD channels and the channels were unwatchable. My Aura was faulty and has been replaced. Others have noted that their replacement Aura works fine.

    | Fri 4 Jun 2021 8:30:46 #93 |
  4. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    boogersa - 5 hours ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 17 mins ago  » 
    Mine is not faulty but does or has suffered from picture breakup from time to time. During the week or so the foil screen was in place there were zero issues. Running without the screen at the moment. If I do find some. I will put the screen under the HDR-1000S on the shelf above rather than on top of the actual box.
    Metered signal on all channels (SD or HD) shows 95% strength and 100% quality both are static and not varying in any way.

    Our issues are not related. You have some issues with HD channels, mine was with SD channels and the channels were unwatchable. My Aura was faulty and has been replaced. Others have noted that their replacement Aura works fine.

    I wonder what problems inside an Aura would cause problems only in the SD channels. A bad batch of tuners? Some internal lack of shielding? Bad soldering? Just out of academic interest. The faraday box line was meant to be a joke.

    | Fri 4 Jun 2021 14:04:44 #94 |
  5. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    grahamlthompson - 18 hours ago  » 

    Paul Bton - 3 hours ago  » 

    SSThing - 1 hour ago  » 
    Possibly a more effective solution would be to use fine wire mesh, in effect a Faraday cage/layer but with the benefits of air circulation and no heat build up?

    Some could make a line of Aura faraday cages

    A faraday cage requires a Construction that a a magnet can stick to, In the same way that a pan that works on a induction hub works.
    It has nothing to do with this thread. Whoever introduced this clearly has no idea what a Faraday cage is. It's completely irrelevant. National grid has indoor high voltage subststations. Access close to high voltage kit is contained within steel cages with access doors to high voltage kit only available with keys only released when the kit is 100% isolated.

    It was meant to be a joke

    | Fri 4 Jun 2021 14:17:23 #95 |
  6. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    grahamlthompson - 18 hours ago  » 

    Paul Bton - 3 hours ago  » 

    SSThing - 1 hour ago  » 
    Possibly a more effective solution would be to use fine wire mesh, in effect a Faraday cage/layer but with the benefits of air circulation and no heat build up?

    Some could make a line of Aura faraday cages

    A faraday cage requires a Construction that a a magnet can stick to, In the same way that a pan that works on a induction hub works.
    It has nothing to do with this thread. Whoever introduced this clearly has no idea what a Faraday cage is. It's completely irrelevant. National grid has indoor high voltage subststations. Access close to high voltage kit is contained within steel cages with access doors to high voltage kit only available with keys only released when the kit is 100% isolated.

    It was meant to be a joke. but don’t faraday cages block radio frequencies? And all electromagnetic radiation? That was what we were talking about the tinfoil doing. The faulty Auras were somehow vulnerable to radio waves. Yes they also protect against lightning and high voltage.

    | Fri 4 Jun 2021 14:18:13 #96 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Paul Bton - 20 hours ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 18 hours ago  » 

    Paul Bton - 3 hours ago  » 

    SSThing - 1 hour ago <a

    href=""> » 
    Possibly a more effective solution would be to use fine wire mesh, in effect a Faraday cage/layer but with the benefits of air circulation and no heat build up?

    Some could make a line of Aura faraday cages

    A faraday cage requires a Construction that a a magnet can stick to, In the same way that a pan that works on a induction hub works.
    It has nothing to do with this thread. Whoever introduced this clearly has no idea what a Faraday cage is. It's completely irrelevant. National grid has indoor high voltage subststations. Access close to high voltage kit is contained within steel cages with access doors to high voltage kit only available with keys only released when the kit is 100% isolated.

    It was meant to be a joke. but don’t faraday cages block radio frequencies? And all electromagnetic radiation? That was what we were talking about the tinfoil doing. The faulty Auras were somehow vulnerable to radio waves. Yes they also protect against lightning and high voltage.

    Yes they do but not if you have two cables from outside to inside. one likely to be connected to a metal thing mounted on your roof.

    An aircraft is a faraday cage. The crew can somehow talk to air traffic control using radio.

    | Sat 5 Jun 2021 11:17:57 #97 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Just watched A HD recording of a Fish Called Wanda recorded yesterday. There are no audio or video issues. Only difference to normal settings was the box was left outputting 4K50 after viewing some Youtube 4k content rather than the usual 1080p50.

    This would change the frequency of any rf leakage from the box HDMI output cable and getting into the box coax rf connections.

    It's set back to 1080p50 for todays recordings.

    | Sat 5 Jun 2021 11:34:04 #98 |
  9. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    grahamlthompson - 1 day ago  » 

    Paul Bton - 20 hours ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 18 hours ago  » 

    Paul Bton - 3 hours ago  » 

    SSThing - 1 hour ago <a
    href=""> » 

    Possibly a more effective solution would be to use fine wire mesh, in effect a Faraday cage/layer but with the benefits of air circulation and no heat build up?

    Some could make a line of Aura faraday cages

    A faraday cage requires a Construction that a a magnet can stick to, In the same way that a pan that works on a induction hub works.
    It has nothing to do with this thread. Whoever introduced this clearly has no idea what a Faraday cage is. It's completely irrelevant. National grid has indoor high voltage subststations. Access close to high voltage kit is contained within steel cages with access doors to high voltage kit only available with keys only released when the kit is 100% isolated.

    It was meant to be a joke. but don’t faraday cages block radio frequencies? And all electromagnetic radiation? That was what we were talking about the tinfoil doing. The faulty Auras were somehow vulnerable to radio waves. Yes they also protect against lightning and high voltage.

    Yes they do but not if you have two cables from outside to inside. one likely to be connected to a metal thing mounted on your roof.
    An aircraft is a faraday cage. The crew can somehow talk to air traffic control using radio.

    I meant Faraday cages in general protect against lightning and high voltage, not that it would protect the Aura from a lightning strike! Yes but we were talking about extraneous Radio frequencies affecting the internals not the signal we are meant to be receiving from the aerial. An aircraft has external aerials or antenna to receive radio.
    If you could use a less patronising tone in answering a serious question then it would be helpful. Let’s drop this subject now.

    | Mon 7 Jun 2021 9:43:26 #99 |
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    I am also having issues with picture breakup, freezes while watching content. It was working fine before. Have noticed it in the last few weeks.

    Signal Strength is 66%-70% (sure this use to be higher)
    Signal Quality is 100%

    Mainly watch the mainstream channels like the BBC, itv etc.

    Not sure if the issue has been caused by the last firmware.

    Current firmware: 00.09.14
    Current Application: 1.01_79_210505_9da2c9716


    | Tue 8 Jun 2021 15:56:42 #100 |

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