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Humax losing sound when switching sources

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    new member
    Joined: Jul '23
    Posts: 1


    Hi all. New to the forum but was checking on line problems losing sound on my Humax when switching between tv etc and got directed to this forum. Thought I would join and share my experiences. I started having problems when I changed tv’s. Wired up using hdmi cable where before I’d used a scart lead, only because my tv had a scart socket and I had a spare lead. Everything worked perfectly for the duration of my ownership of that tv, about 5 years. I then upgraded to a slightly larger screen and connected this time via the hdmi port, the only options on the tv, No scart socket and thought no more about it after all hdmi is supposed to be superior. Immediately I realised I was losing sound if day I switched to the dvd player for a while or another tv channel on the tv not the Humax and as other people have said, the only way to get the sound back is to turn off the power to the Humax box, something you can’t do if your recording something already. Tv sound is fine if switching back to the tv itself but not if you want to utilise the Humax, say to watch a recorded programme. I only discovered the problem as someone posted online his problems with the same situation and discovered there’s some sort of clash between the Humax box and the hdmi set up, especially if line most people you have more than one port in use. It certainly makes sense to me as U had ni problems for years using the scart connection but I do now, and typically my current set like most these days doesn’t have a scart socket, deemed old fashioned I guess. Anyway, hope this might help a bit for those if you struggling.
    Cheers all. Geoffxm

    | Mon 31 Jul 2023 14:36:06 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 1,506


    Solutions vary on which model of Humax you are asking about, and also which version of software it is using. On Humax models both of these can be found in its menus.

    If its an HDR-2000T or a HDR-18000 this can usually be fully fixed just by downloading more recent software from the Humax support site, and transferring it to your recorder via a USB stick. The instructions on how to do this come with the download.

    Some previous HDR-2000T and HDR-1800T discussions for these models with a similar sound issue to yours are:

    | Mon 31 Jul 2023 18:43:09 #2 |

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